Is it possible to build Project Loon in Indonesia?

6:20 PM

How do you connect a country made of 17 thousand island to the internet?

That's a huge challenge faced by Indonesia, and one that hope to reach using its high altitude baloon.
Its a common thing where we in remote area, its difficult to access information. We tend to think that distribution of information is equal. But, only 29% of our population can access internet.

Then how can we reach higher number?

Internet access distribution can get through air. More precisely, air balloon. This balloon, Project Loon is an effort from Google X to use high-altitude ballons to deliver internet in remoted areas or difficult to access. Using a network of solar-powered balloons that can fly in 2-3 higher than most commercial airplane.

This can faciliate the flow of information needed for people out there. Availability of information to help farmers reserach and analyze to increase their yield, or a mother who can help their economy.

In education side, project loon can provide schooling through online learning, especially XL elearn can more accessed by the kids. And all the things about medicine, health, renewable energy and collaboration.

And Google has partnered with three Indonesian internet service providers – Telkomsel, Axiata and Indosat last 2015. According to Mrs. Dian Siswarini, CEO of XL Axiata, this is a good plan to reach remote areas. She even suggested that it’s better to learn about the programme’s business model before finally implementing it. And said that once the economic motive is well understood, there wouldn’t be any excuse to oppose implementing the programme.

But we have problem now..

Does this thing will harm Telkom who invest in fibre optic infrastructure, or even palapa satellite that made by our nation?

Not really, Loon is focusing on hard-to-reach areas, not those we can reach using traditional methods. Without Loon these areas would probably never be covered by us as they are either too difficult or too costly. And beside that, Google can collaborate with our telco companies to spread more our network.

So, as Mrs. Dian Siswarini said,
“It’s important to be open to new tech and innovation. We should judge Google’s innovation by its benefits for the people. If it can accelerate the connectivity distribution, then why not?”

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